Long Head Tricep Workouts
Long Head Tricep Workouts

Long head tricep workouts are an essential part of any fitness routine for those looking to build upper body strength and muscle mass. The triceps brachii muscle, located at the back of the upper arm, is responsible for extending the elbow joint and plays a crucial role in many upper body movements.

The long head of the triceps is the largest of the three heads and is often the most neglected.

Many people focus on bicep workouts, neglecting the triceps, which can lead to muscle imbalances and decreased overall strength. Incorporating long head tricep workouts into a routine can help to improve overall upper body strength and balance. These workouts can also help to increase muscle definition and size in the triceps, leading to a more toned and sculpted appearance.

There are a variety of exercises that can be used to target the long head of the triceps, including skull crushers, overhead tricep extensions, and cable pushdowns. It is important to use proper form and technique when performing these exercises to avoid injury and maximize results. By incorporating long head tricep workouts into a fitness routine, individuals can improve their overall upper body strength and achieve their fitness goals.


Understanding the Long Head Tricep

The triceps muscle is located at the back of the upper arm and is responsible for extending the elbow joint. It is made up of three heads: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. The long head is the largest of the three and is located on the back of the arm closest to the body.

The long head tricep is an important muscle for overall arm strength and aesthetics. It is responsible for creating the coveted "horseshoe" shape of the triceps. However, it can be difficult to isolate and target the long head specifically during workouts.

Long Head Tricep Exercises

One way to target the long head tricep is through exercises that involve overhead movements, such as overhead dumbbell extensions or cable pushdowns with a rope attachment. These exercises put more emphasis on the long head by stretching it out and allowing for a greater range of motion.

Another way to target the long head is through exercises that involve a narrow grip, such as close-grip bench press or diamond push-ups. These exercises place more stress on the long head as it is the primary muscle used to extend the elbow in these movements.

It is important to note that while targeting the long head tricep can help improve overall arm strength and aesthetics, it is just one part of a well-rounded arm workout. Incorporating exercises that target all three heads of the triceps, as well as the biceps and forearms, can help create balanced and strong arms.


Benefits of Long Head Tricep Workouts

Long head tricep workouts are an essential part of any upper body workout routine. Here are some of the benefits of incorporating long head tricep exercises into your workout:

Increased Muscle Mass

One of the main benefits of long head tricep workouts is increased muscle mass. The long head of the tricep is the largest of the three heads and contributes the most to the overall size of the tricep muscle. By targeting this muscle group with specific exercises, you can increase the size and strength of your triceps, which can help improve your overall upper body strength.

Improved Arm Definition

Long head tricep workouts can also help improve arm definition. By targeting the long head of the tricep, you can create a more defined look in your arms. This can be especially beneficial for those who are looking to improve their overall physique or who are preparing for a bodybuilding competition.

Increased Upper Body Strength

Long head tricep workouts can also help increase upper body strength. The triceps are an essential muscle group for many upper body exercises, including bench press, overhead press, and push-ups. By strengthening your triceps, you can improve your performance in these exercises and increase your overall upper body strength.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Finally, long head tricep workouts can help reduce the risk of injury. The triceps are an essential muscle group for many upper body movements, and a weak tricep can increase the risk of injury to the shoulder and elbow joints. By strengthening your triceps, you can help reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall upper body health.

Overall, incorporating long head tricep workouts into your workout routine can have many benefits, including increased muscle mass, improved arm definition, increased upper body strength, and reduced risk of injury.


Preparation for Tricep Workouts

Before starting any long head tricep workouts, it is important to properly prepare the body to avoid injury and maximize results. Here are a few tips to help with preparation:

1. Warm Up

Warming up before exercising is essential to prevent injury and improve performance. A proper warm-up should include light cardio exercises such as jogging, jumping jacks, or cycling, followed by dynamic stretching exercises that target the triceps, such as arm circles or tricep extensions with light weights.

2. Choose the Right Equipment

Choosing the right equipment is crucial for an effective and safe workout. For long head tricep workouts, it is recommended to use dumbbells, resistance bands, or cables, as they allow for a greater range of motion and better isolation of the triceps. It is also important to choose the appropriate weight or resistance level that challenges the muscles without causing strain or injury.

3. Proper Form

Proper form is key to getting the most out of any exercise and preventing injury. When performing long head tricep exercises, it is important to keep the elbows close to the body, engage the core, and avoid arching the back. It is also important to maintain a slow and controlled movement, focusing on the contraction and extension of the triceps.

4. Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as the workout itself. After a long head tricep workout, it is important to give the muscles time to rest and recover before engaging in another workout. It is also recommended to stretch the triceps after the workout to prevent soreness and improve flexibility.

By following these tips, one can properly prepare for long head tricep workouts, leading to a safe and effective workout that maximizes results.


Essential Equipment for Tricep Workouts


Dumbbells are a versatile piece of equipment that can be used for a variety of tricep exercises. They come in different weights, sizes, and shapes, making it easy to find the perfect set for your fitness level and workout goals. Some of the best dumbbell exercises for triceps include tricep kickbacks, overhead tricep extensions, and lying tricep extensions.


Barbells are another essential piece of equipment for tricep workouts. They allow for heavier lifting and can help you build strength and muscle mass. Some of the best barbell exercises for triceps include close-grip bench presses, skull crushers, and standing tricep extensions.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great alternative to weights and can be used for a variety of tricep exercises. They are lightweight, portable, and easy to use, making them a great option for at-home workouts or when traveling. Some of the best resistance band exercises for triceps include tricep pushdowns, overhead tricep extensions, and standing tricep extensions.

When it comes to tricep workouts, having the right equipment is essential. Whether you prefer dumbbells, barbells, or resistance bands, each piece of equipment has its own benefits and can help you achieve your fitness goals. It's important to choose equipment that is appropriate for your fitness level and to use proper form to avoid injury.


Proper Form and Techniques


To perform a long head tricep workout, proper positioning is crucial. The athlete should stand with feet shoulder-width apart and the spine in a neutral position. The elbows should be tucked in close to the body with the palms facing down. This starting position helps to isolate the triceps and prevent any unnecessary strain on other muscles.


Breathing is an essential part of any exercise routine. During a long head tricep workout, the athlete should inhale during the eccentric phase of the movement and exhale during the concentric phase. This breathing technique helps to regulate oxygen flow to the muscles and maintain proper form.


The movement of a long head tricep workout involves extending the elbow joint against resistance. The athlete should focus on keeping the elbows tucked in close to the body and moving the weight in a controlled manner. It is essential to avoid jerking or swinging the weight, as this can lead to injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

To ensure proper form and technique, the athlete should start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as they become more comfortable with the movement. It is also essential to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, even when fatigue sets in.

Overall, proper form and technique are essential for a successful long head tricep workout. By focusing on positioning, breathing, and movement, athletes can maximize the benefits of this exercise while minimizing the risk of injury.


Best Long Head Tricep Exercises

When it comes to building big and defined triceps, targeting the long head is crucial. The long head of the triceps muscle makes up the majority of the muscle mass, and it is responsible for adding size and definition to the back of the arm. In this section, we will discuss some of the most effective exercises for targeting the long head of the triceps.

1. Close Grip Bench Press

The close grip bench press is a popular strength training exercise that targets the triceps, chest, and shoulders.

The close grip bench press is a valuable exercise for targeting the triceps and improving overall upper body strength. When executed with proper form, it can be an effective addition to your strength training routine. Remember to start with a manageable weight, focus on technique, and progressively increase intensity.


2. Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the triceps, but also engage the chest and shoulders.

Tricep dips are an excellent bodyweight exercise for targeting the triceps and engaging the upper body musculature. When performed with proper form, they can be a valuable addition to your strength training routine. Remember to focus on controlled movements, start with a manageable number of repetitions, and gradually progress.


3. EZ bar incline skull crushers

EZ bar incline skull crushers, also known as incline barbell tricep extensions, are a potent strength-building exercise that primarily targets the triceps.

EZ bar incline skull crushers are a powerful exercise for isolating and strengthening the triceps. When executed with proper form, they can be a valuable addition to your upper body strength training routine.


4. Diamond Push-Ups

Diamond push-ups, also known as close-grip push-ups, are a bodyweight exercise that targets the triceps, chest, and shoulders. This variation of the classic push-up is characterized by placing the hands close together in a diamond shape.

Diamond push-ups are a valuable bodyweight exercise for targeting the triceps, chest, and shoulders. When performed with proper form, they can be an effective addition to your strength training routine.


5. Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

The Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press is a versatile strength training exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. This variation of the traditional bench press involves using dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) instead of a barbell.

The Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press is a highly effective exercise for targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps. When executed with proper form, it can be a valuable addition to your upper body strength training routine.


6. Dumbbell Tate Press

The Dumbbell Tate Press is an excellent exercise for isolating and targeting the medial head of the triceps. When performed with proper form, it can be a valuable addition to your tricep training routine.


7. Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extension

The Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extension, also known as the "skull crusher," is a highly effective tricep exercise that targets the long head of the triceps.

The Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extension is a highly effective exercise for targeting the long head of the triceps. When performed with proper form, it can be a valuable addition to your tricep training routine.


8. Cable Tricep Extension

The Cable Tricep Extension is a powerful isolation exercise that effectively targets the triceps. This exercise involves using a cable machine and an attachment, like a rope or a straight bar, to extend the arms against resistance.

The Cable Tricep Extension is a highly effective exercise for isolating and targeting the triceps. When performed with proper form, it can be a valuable addition to your tricep training routine.


9. Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks

Dumbbell tricep kickbacks are an isolation exercise that specifically targets the triceps. This movement involves extending the arms behind you against resistance.

Dumbbell tricep kickbacks are an effective exercise for targeting and isolating the triceps. When performed with proper form, they can be a valuable addition to your tricep training routine.


Workout Routine and Schedule

When it comes to working out the long head triceps, consistency is key. A good workout routine should include exercises that target the long head triceps, as well as other muscles in the arms and shoulders.

Here is an example workout routine and schedule that can help you achieve your goals:


Monday Long head triceps workout
Wednesday Arm and shoulder workout
Friday Long head triceps workout


Long Head Triceps Workout

  1. Close-grip bench press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  2. Skull crushers: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Overhead dumbbell extension: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  4. Cable pushdown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets and exercises.

Arm and Shoulder Workout

  1. Barbell bicep curls: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  2. Hammer curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Lateral raises: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  4. Front raises: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Overhead press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets and exercises.

Remember to warm up properly before each workout and stretch afterwards to prevent injury. It is also important to vary your workout routine every few weeks to prevent plateaus and keep your muscles challenged.


Safety Measures and Precautions

When performing long head tricep workouts, it is important to take safety measures and precautions to avoid injury and ensure the effectiveness of the exercise. Here are some tips to keep in mind:


Before starting any exercise, it is important to warm up your muscles to prevent injury. A proper warm-up can include light cardio, stretching, and mobility exercises. This will help prepare your body for the workout and increase blood flow to the muscles.

Proper Form

Maintaining proper form is crucial to avoid injury and get the most out of the exercise. When performing long head tricep workouts, make sure to keep your elbows close to your body and avoid swinging or jerking movements. Use a weight that is appropriate for your strength level and gradually increase as you progress.

Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as the workout itself. Allow your muscles time to rest and recover between workouts to prevent overuse injuries. It is recommended to rest for at least 24-48 hours between long head tricep workouts.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body and listen to any warning signs of pain or discomfort. If you experience any pain or discomfort during the exercise, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

Consult a Professional

If you are new to long head tricep workouts or have any medical conditions, it is recommended to consult a professional before starting any exercise program. A personal trainer or physical therapist can provide guidance and ensure that you are performing the exercise safely and effectively.

By following these safety measures and precautions, you can minimize the risk of injury and maximize the benefits of long head tricep workouts.


Tracking Your Progress

Tracking progress is an essential part of any workout routine, including long head tricep workouts. Without tracking progress, it can be difficult to know whether or not you are making progress or need to adjust your training program.

There are several ways to track progress when it comes to long head tricep workouts. One way is to keep a workout log where you record the exercises you performed, the weight used, and the number of reps completed. This can be done with a pen and paper or by using a workout tracking app.

Another way to track progress is by taking measurements. Measuring the circumference of the triceps can help determine if the muscles are growing and getting stronger. It's important to take measurements consistently, such as every four weeks, to accurately track progress.

In addition to tracking progress through measurements and workout logs, it's also important to pay attention to how the exercises feel. If an exercise becomes easier, it may be time to increase the weight or number of reps. If an exercise becomes too difficult, it may be necessary to decrease the weight or number of reps.

Overall, tracking progress is crucial for long head tricep workouts. By keeping a workout log, taking measurements, and paying attention to how the exercises feel, individuals can ensure that they are making progress and adjust their training program accordingly.


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